is democracy the best form of government against
Churchill said "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." Essentially that democracy has many flaws and problems but all the others have more problems. Now authoritarian countries such as China are potentially challenging this assumption by proving that authoritarian regimes are better at creating economic growth. Is Democracy still the best form of government?
All the Yes points:
Represents the people
Better governance due to transparency
Respect of Human Rights
Promotes Human Rights
All the No points:
Economic growth
Increasingly about money
Electorate is not motivated
Democracy Is the Best Form of Government
Yes because...
Democratic states nearly always have freer people than autocratic states. They obviously have the right to vote for their government so by extension deciding the policy of their nation and what their nation should be like. They have more freedom of speech and expression than in autocracies. In particular they are free to criticise their own government.
No because...
Except for the freedom to choose the government there is no reason why people cannot be as free under an autocracy as in a democracy.