Biology, asked by anshi4ksnehas, 1 year ago

Is haemophilia caused by a decrease in the number of platelets or a decrease in the clotting factors released by platelets?


Answered by Anonymous
It is caused by the decrease in the clotting factors released by platelets.It is genetically passed on and in this blood does not clot or takes a long time to clot.


ANSWER : A decrease in the clotting factors released by plateletes.

HAEMOPHILIA : It is a clinical condition in which the ability of blood clotting of a person is severly reduced, causing the sufferer to bleed severely even from a slight injury. It is also known as the bleeder's disease.

CAUSE : Haemophilia is caused due to the presence of a recessive sex-linked gene h, located on X-chromosome. There are two types of haemophilia - Haemophilia A and Haemophilia B, caused by two mutant genes present on the X-chromosome in man with a distinct gap. Haemophilia A (Royal disease) is caused due to deficiency of a protein for blood clotting known as "Factor 8" or AHF (Anti Haemophilic factor). Haemophilia B (Christmas disease) is caused due to deficiency of a protein for blood clotting known as "Factor 9" or Plasma thromboplastin.

USEFUL TO NOTE : Haemophilia is found more in males than in females.

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