Is human life more important than animals?___. Give reasons for your answer based on the lesson- 'This is Jody's fawn'.
Snakes are the most dreaded of wild creatures. This is why we use sticks to kill them. There are many poisonous snakes. Green snakes or water snakes are poisonous. Still we cannot be sure of it. So we don’t take a chance. We call in a snake charmer to draw the cobra out of the house. A snake-bite can kill the victim in a few minutes. But the victim can be saved if he gets the first aid in the farm of blood-letting and anti-venom serum.
The medicine for snake bite is prepared from the snake’s poison. In case I am bitten by a poisonous snake, the first thing I would do is to put a band tightly over the bitten part. Then I shall use a blade or knife to make a small cut on the bitten part, and press the poisonous blood out. Then I shall go to hospital for medical help. I shall not go to sleep until I feel better and safe.
Humans have a wonderful ability to communicate by way of talking, use of words and speech. Animals can’t talk but communicate by few sounds.
Laugh Laugh is a virtue by which humans express happness. Even a new born baby will laugh without others guidance Animals cannot laugh.They cannot laugh as way to express happiness but do it by other ways.