Environmental Sciences, asked by Charisma9473, 1 year ago

Is human resource a philosphy?


Answered by Nalindevu


Human resource management relates to strategic and coherent approach to themanagement of human resources of an organization. It involves a set of interrelatedpolicies with ideological and philosophical orientation and forms a business – focusedapproach to manage people for competitive advantages. The starting point for HRM isto define philosophical orientation which helps in defining visionary long – termconcept of organization. Philosophy in the context of management of an organizationconsiste of an integrated set of assumptions and beliefs about the way the things are,the purpose of the activities and the way these should be. These assumptions andbeliefs of those who create an organization (owners) and those who manage it(managers, specially the key decision makers) become base for defining vision of theorganization. These assumptions and beliefs are sometimes explicit, and occasionallyimplicit, in the minds of the decision makers. The philosophy of a person has itsorigin in two premises – fact premises and value premises. Fact premises representout descriptive view of how the world behaves.

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