Biology, asked by bangtanarmysudha, 2 months ago

is humans height decreasing? if yes then why or if no then why?​


Answered by mishika3468


Yes, It is, It will.


When your body is old, the bones get old too.

and it occurs even more rapidly in the old. Women lose an average of two inches between age 30 and 70, but then the process speeds up only a bit. By age 80, most women will have shrunk a total of three inches.

Why do Older people get shorter?

The vertebrae become less thick and the cushions of tissue between them lose fluid and become thinner, creating the spine shorter.

[your back. It is made up of 33 tiny little bones called vertebrae]

Hope this helps you.

Answered by sainijhanvi921


Actually, contrary to what many people think, it's not your bones that cause you to get shorter,” said Scott Albright, MD, orthopedic surgeon. “Typically, the discs between the vertebra of the spine lose fluid as we age. The discs get smaller, your spine shrinks, and that's what causes the loss of height.”

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