English, asked by MinaMahale, 1 year ago

Is it necessary for children to follow the footstep of their forefathers ? If yes , why ? why is it sometimes necessary to change the old ways ?


Answered by sangita123999rpa3rbh
Yes, because I think kids follow in their parent’s career footsteps for a few various reasons:

They may have a genetic predisposition to that parent’s skills and interests. It’s in their DNA.
The are brought up in an environment that fosters their parents skills and interests so they may also develop those interests and skills. Your parents are musicians so they encourage you to become involved in music, you grow to enjoy it. you come to know the music industry so you follow that pathway
It’s all they know BECAUSE their environment dictates what they’re exposed to (socially), and the child isn’t exposed to outside influences so may not even be aware of other options.
Communities often have social norms about what careers are socially acceptable, or even just the norm. If you grow up in a community where many people are in construction, and you like working with your hands… you may naturally follow that pathway. Or if in your social circle being in the medical field or engineering is the go-to career that everyone aspires to, you’ll likely think that’s the pathway you should follow.
It’s easy for them. Their dad owns a restaurant, they work in the restaurant. Their mom’s friend is the manager at a local company and can get them into the company, they work there.
When young people aren’t exposed to careers outside their current circle of influence they often just go with the flow and pursue either what’s easy or what they’re familiar with. Which is why career planning is SO IMPORTANT for teens and young adults. They shouldn’t just fall into a job for those reasons, it’s just a band aid and eventually they’ll likely be miserable or at the very least dissatisfied about the career choice they’ve made.

Just my two cents for what it’s worth :)

Hope this helps! Good luck!
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