Biology, asked by Thewriter17, 10 months ago

Is it necessary to live the life what our parents and relatives and most of the people are living. Means study till age 25. Than 25 to 50 get a job where you work from 9 to 5. Get married have kids settle in life.. Than from 50 to 75... Tension for children carrier their marriage... deposition of loan.. retirement... & after 75 just wait for death..!!
Can't we over come with that rule and do something different...??​


Answered by rishi5761

You can surely overcome the problem. It is not not necessary that you only live the life that is lived by peoples in is not at all compulsory. You can even make your career without studying and it can be also great than that of a graduated person if you have extra skills. Hence,it is not compulsory to follow your parents or the other peoples.

This is your life so live it in your way and make it your own's...

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