Sociology, asked by KReine1998, 11 months ago

Is it possible to examine religion from a neutral non-judgmental position?


Answered by siddharaj1920


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Answered by DreamCatcher007


Agnostic theism, agnostotheism or agnostitheism is the philosophical view that encompasses both theism and agnosticism. An agnostic theist believes in the existence of a God or gods, but regards the basis of this proposition as unknown or inherently unknowable.It is simply impossible for people to be moral without religion or God. Faith can be very very dangerous, and deliberately to implant it into the vulnerable mind of an innocent child is a grievous wrong. The question of whether or not morality requires religion is both topical and ancient.When academics talk about ethics, they are typically referring to decisions about right and wrong. While religion makes claims about cosmology, social behavior, and the “proper” treatment of others, etc. ... Ethics are based on logic and reason rather than tradition or injunction.

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