Social Sciences, asked by manjuladoddamamidodd, 3 months ago

is itduring the time of Pericles art, literature, science, philosophy and other fields of knowledge flourished?is it?​


Answered by libnaprasad



The age of Pericles was also famous for poetry. Pindar was a famous lyric poet of that period. After learning music and song from Thebes, he had come to Athens where he stayed and composed poems which made him famous in the world. Sofo was the first lady poet of the world who belonged to the age of Pericles. Thus, poetry attained the pinnacle of celebrity during Periclean age.


The age of Pericles also made notable strides in the field of science. This age was famous for the progress of arithmetic, geometry and astrology. Euclid excelled in the field of geometry and that is why he is called as ‘Father of Geometry’. Pythagoras also achieved proficiency in the field of geometry. Even today the ‘Pythagoras Theorum’ is famous in the world.

Hippocrates opined that every disease has some natural cause and those were not caused by evil spirits. He further told that proper diet and medicines could cure a person and not magic or charms. That is why he is regarded as the ‘Father of Medicine’. Hiparccas, Aristarcas and Arastosthenes were other scientists of the Periclean age.


The age of Pericles also achieved unparalleled distinction in the field of Philosophy and Metaphysical thought. Socrates was a great philosopher of that period. He is regarded as the ‘Father of Western Philosophy’. He was born in 469 B.C. He has not left anything in the form of book. He stood in any public place of Athenes and taught his idea to the common people.

He wanted to dispell the superstitions from the mind of the people by argument. He did not fear anybody and advised people to accept truth. Many youths were inspired by his speech. He was accused for spoiling the youths. The juries of Athens convicted him for that and ordered death penalty. He drank poison with pleasure and breathed his last in 399 B.C.

One of the greatest disciples of Socrates was Plato (427 B.C. to 347 B.C.). The death of his teacher Socrates perturbed him. So, he left Athens. Later on, he again returned and established Academy (School). He taught politics to his disciples. Among his books, the ‘Republic’ was the best.

In this book he has focused on the functions of an ideal state. He has also described the scenes during the death of Socrates through ‘Dialogue’ in his book ‘Faido’. This ‘dialogue’ later on influenced Karl Marx, another great philosopher of the world. ‘Apology’ was his another great work. His disciple Aristotle earned fame in later period.

The other eminent philosophers of this period were Thales, Heraclitus and Anaxagoras. Thales opined that “Water was the root of Creation”. Heraclitus advocated the theory that the life in nature consists of a struggle of opposite forces and fire is the most active element. Anaxagoras held the view that all things are formed from atoms. All these philosophers made periclean age glorious due to their contributions.

In fact, the age of Pericles created several mile stones in Greek history. The peace, progress and prosperity of that age made it distinct. The all round development of that period led historians to call ‘Periclean Age’ as the ‘Golden Age’ in Greek history.

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