is learning/ studying with a partner more motivating? what are the advantages and disadvantages of learning/studying with a partner?
Having a study buddy means you can motivate each other and make the whole experience a lot more fun. You can agree on mutual goals and come up with a reward scheme when you both reach each goal.
Studying with others gives your child an opportunity to better understand the topic by discussing it with someone else. If a student draws a blank when someone asks him or her to explain a concept, it means that the student has to study more.
I hope this answer is helpful for you
Having a study buddy means you can motivate each other and make the whole experience a lot more fun. You can agree on mutual goals and come up with a reward scheme when you both reach each goal.
Having a study buddy provides an opportunity to share knowledge, giving you another level of insight into course readings and materials. Sharing resources and giving each other advice can also introduce you to more efficient study techniques and improve your productivity.
Tip 5: Study Buddy!
Select a Study Buddy. ...
Set a Schedule. ...
Divvy up the Workload. ...
Talk it Out. ...
Prepare. ...
Make study notes: write down titles, headings, and keywords, and make a copy for your partner.
Create your own mnemonic devices.
Create a fake test for your study partner.