Is net addition to stock same as change in stock
Net additions to stock (NAS) are an indicator based on economy‐wide material flow accounting and analysis. NAS, a measure of the physical growth rate of an economy, can be used for estimates of future waste flows. It is calculated using two methods: The indirect method of calculation is a simple difference between all input and output flows, whereas the direct method involves measuring the amounts of materials added to particular categories of physical stock and the amounts of waste flows from these stocks.
Answer: Net addition to stock is an indicator which is based on economy wide material flow accounting and analysis whereas change in stocks corresponds to the value of entry into stocks and the value of de stocking and current inventory losses would be minus.
Explanation: Net addition to stock is an indicator which is based on economy wide material flow accounting and analysis . It is a measure of the physical growth rate of an economy and it canbe used for future refrences whereas change in stocks corresponds to the value of entry into stocks and the value of de stocking and current inventory losses would get subtracted.Inventories we can say that it consists of material and supplies , work in progress , finished goods and goods for resale.
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