Biology, asked by xXNirvanaXx, 10 months ago

Is petrified wood considered living or nonliving? Explain why it is or is not?


Answered by saraunsh3104



Petrified Wood is not alive in the same way that a chicken bone is not alive after the chicken is dead. Plant cells have tough cell walls that allow them to stand up. Certain plants, like bushes and trees, also make wood so they are even stronger. When someone cuts the tree down, the cells don't have a way to deliver sugar and oxygen to the cells anymore. The cells die, but the wood they made doesn't disappear. Bones also have cells in them, but when the cells die, the bone is still around.

Bamboo is actually a type of grass, but it makes a type of wood that is very strong and light. I recently saw a video about a company in Ghana that makes bike frames from bamboo bamboo bikes . The founder wanted to help her community by providing transportation, jobs, and a healthy environment.

I hope this explanation helps!

plz thank & mark brainliest

xXNirvanaXx: Thanks but, that doesn't really answer if petrified wood is living or non-living...
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