is plastic a biodegradable or non biodegradable substance.explain
Is Plastic non-biodegradable or biodegradable
For understanding this we must first understand whatbare biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances.
When an object such as paper or leaf or even the human body is buried under the soil, it is broken down into smaller and less complex compunds by the bacteria and other microorganisms living there.This helps in disposal of the body and also provides organic substances to the soil which enriches the soil.
Biodegradable substances are those which can be broken down into smaller compounds or in layman's language destroyed by the action of microorganisms in the soil. For example paper, fruit peels etc.
Whereas non-biodegradable substances cannot be broken down into smaller less complex compounds by the action of microorganisms. For example glass,polythene etc
Now since the bond between plastic particles is immensely strong tgerfore they cannot be broken down into simpler substances by the action of microorganisms. Hence Plastic is non-biodegradable in nature.