English, asked by Steph0303, 1 year ago

Is the disease of caused by Corona Virus curable ? If yes, what is the minimum number of days within which it can be cured ? Also share some preventive measures to avoid being affected by the virus.


Answered by Anonymous


Is the disease of caused by Corona Virus curable ? If yes, what is the minimum number of days within which it can be cured ? Also share some preventive measures to avoid being affected by the virus.


As per the first question, is the disease caused by Corona virus is curable or not_ Yes, it is curable.

As per the second question, If yes, what is the minimum number of days within which it can be cured_ Yes it is curable and the germ can be destroyed within four days.

The measures should be taken to not to be got affected by Corona_

  • Keep yourself neat and clean.
  • Use handkerchief or tissue during sneezing and coughing.
  • Use distill water for drinking.
  • Keep the surrounding clean.
  • Use mask or handkerchief while going outside.
  • Keep yourself apart from a person who has already been affected by corona.
  • Avoid eating animals flesh.
  • If you feel sneezing or coughing then consult to a doctor.
  • If with sneezing or coughing if you feel such that, you re feeling thirsty a more and drinking a lots of water then boil the water and make a practice of drinking warm boiled water with the addition of salt and vinegar.

Now, what should be done if anyone gets affected by Corona?

⇒ Things to be noted that, the germs of corona on the first four days remains in the throat and after that reaches to the lungs of the affected person. The germ can be  destroyed within the first four days and the person can be totally cured before the germ reach to his/her lungs. When a person gets affected by Corona then during first four days he feels_

  • Sneezing and coughing.
  • A bit more thirsty and drinks plenty of water.

Within this period the germ can be destroyed by making a habit of drinking warm boiled water with the addition of salt and vinegar.

Routes of transmission:

COVID-19 is transmitted through droplet infections such as cold, cough, sneezing and fomites during close contact between an infector and infectee. Even it affects on sharing personal things such as towel, soap, dishes etc. Airborne spread has not been reported for COVID-19 and it is not believed to be a major driver of transmission based on the available evidences. However, it can be envisaged if certain aerosol-generating procedures are conducted in health care facilities. Even it is trusted by the present researchers that, the germ of Corona virus had come out during the time of producing a germ bomb in China due to some leackage. Fecal shedding has been demonstrated from some patients, and viable virus has been identified in a limited number of case reports. But, it is not the cause of Corona as per the evidences of WHO. However, the fecal-oral route does not appear to be a driver of COVID-19 transmission; its role and significance for COVID-19 remains to be determined. Viral shedding is discussed in the Technical Findings (Annex C). Even another issue of eating of animals flesh specially in Indonesia, it was heard of practising of eating raw flesh of bat is causing Corona and the virus has been appeared from that, it is also wrong. The final evidence is it is a virus, has been appeared during the time of producing germ bomb in China and due to some mis-connections.

Corona is disease which has marked to world-pangea by WHO, and already in 117 countries it has been found that people have got affected by Corona. It is also said to be as world pandemic.

So, it is our duty to accept the necessary steps to prevent it and save our society.

Brainly100: Nice Report! Appreciable
Answered by parvd


Before starting the answer lets make sure about some points regarding CORONA.

CORONA started from a wide city of CHINA,wuhan

CORONA is deadly,but is not life taking for above teenage and less then aged once. Else it would be massacre all sides by death.

CORONA is slow deadly,but surely takes life.


coming to question,


It is sad and my bad to say a bug NO.

Currently there is no cure for corona, it all depends the kind of cure given the patient.

There is no such information about cured persons, as according to my knowledge there have been no patient to be cured yet.

But I can say you by my experience that INDIA has a cure of this infulenza in the AYURVEDA.

Surely very soon we will find a cure and the world be in its own way very soon!!

Rumours Or Truth's

The agency of intelligence of ISRAEL a one of the most developed country has stated that, the so-called corona is not a Animal promoted disease,rather is a biological-ammunition or development mistake or you can say manually prepared in the china's LABORATARY.

No One knows the truth,How's it made and by what purpose,wether its an accident or a thought attack to reduce the world's economy or world's ruption or what so ever where yours and My idea can take you!

Whats important is that the world is seriously undergoing a deadly VIRUS. An epidemic which has reduced world's progress and disrupted the economy.

What we can do for now?

For the people of India it is slowly growing and may take a rapid flow if we did'nt took steps. We the people of The great India should start on the way or a movement following by few steps to Increase the awareness about rhe epidemic and its resitive issue.

May I make you sure that CORONA is a seasonal flu and will be not lasting more then JULY around.

About this epedemic it has been already told in vedas, that this serious flu will reduce the groeth and will be taking a vast side in the year 2030 after 10 years. This will be more and more dangerous in 2030.


This essay will last long as the distance from sun.


a) Stop gathering on roads or make a crew without a serious purpose.

b)Not to touch any one and be at a quite distant from each other.

c)stay healthy and while sneezing put a handkerchief or a clean cloths.

d)Keep washing hands time to time.

e) Atlast,Keep cleanliness and be aways from all and have a rest at home. So that you can be away from infected or in direct contact of any.

Last but not the liest,

When anything does not work, the work is done by that almighty power which controls everything.

So lets bow our heads and Pray for the future of indicidual and make a step towards awarenss and precautions so that the world be met secure by the epidemic.

Let the corona rest in piece.

Regards and Wishes



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