Physics, asked by ronitmenon13, 1 year ago

Is the marked ones in this given pic answer is enough for the working of electric generator? pls tell me



Answered by tiwarisakshi093


Let in the beginning brush b1 and b2 are keep pressed separately on rings R1 and R2 respectively. Let the axle attached to the rings is rotated such that arm AB of the coil moves up and arm CD moves down in the magnetic field. due to rotation of arms AB and CD induced currents are set up in them. as per Fleming's right hand rule induce current in these arms are alone the direction AB and CD respectively. thus, an induced current flow alone ABCD and current in the external circuit flow from B2 to B1.

after half a rotation, arm AB starts moving down and the arm CD upward. therefore direction of induced current in these arms change. thus, net induced current now become in the direction DCBA. in the external circuit now current flows from B1 to B2. thus, after every half rotation current change its direction and an alternating current is obtained from the generator.

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