Computer Science, asked by nilampatel2412, 3 months ago

is the most popular point and draw device.
Q.3 Write True or False
1. MS - Access is an example of media playing software.
2. Plotter is an output device.
3. The link may be in text or picture form,
4. C is an object oriented language.
5. Status bar comprise of different menus and icons.​


Answered by freefirepros1


hope it's help u frnd........

Answered by saurabh2621


Part I. Hardware: Physical components of a computer system

2.1 Overview of Computers

2.2 Inside the Computer: Processor and Memory

2.3 Storage Devices: Hard Drive, Floppy Drive, CD-ROM, CD-Burner, DVD-ROM

2.4 Monitor: CRT and LCD

2.5 Video Card

2.6 Sound Card

2.7 Ports

2.1 Overview of Computers

Two systems of computers:

1) PC – the Personal Computer; 2) Mac – the Apple Macintosh.

Two designs of computers:

1) desktop

2) laptop (notebook)

Computer architecture:

Main components of a computer

Multimedia devices

Other peripheral devices

1) computer

2) monitor

3) hard disk/ hard drive

4) keyboard

5) mouse / trackball /

touch pad

1) CD-ROM / DVD drive

2) video card

3) soundcard

4) speakers

5) headphones / headset

6) microphone

1) printer

2) scanner

3) CD- burner (CD- recorder,

CD-R/CD-RW drive)

4) modem

5) USB flash drive

6) webcam

7) digital camera

8) digital voice recorder

9) camcorder

Question 1: Can you divide the above devices into three types – storage devices, input devices, and output devices?

Activity 1: Please do the two exercises: Exercise 2-1 Do you know what they are? (playing with flash cards) and Exercise 2-2 Do you know what they are? (Matching)

2.2 Inside the Computer

1) Processor:

The CPU (Central Processing Unit), a complete computation engine that is fabricated on a single chip, is the computer’s brain. It is sometimes referred to as the central processor, microprocessor, or just processor. Two typical components of a CPU are: 1) the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations, and 2) the control unit, which extracts instructions from memory and decodes and executes them, calling on the ALU when necessary.

Most newer PCs have Pentium processors. Pentium processors run faster than the numbered processors found in older computers (286, 386, 486 processors). The speed of processors, called the clock speed, is measured in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (1 GHz = 1000 MHz). One MHz represents one million cycles per second. For example, a processor that runs at 200 MHz executes 200 million cycles per second. Each computer instruction requires a fixed number of cycles, so the clock speed determines how many instructions per second the microprocessor can execute. To a large degree, this controls how powerful the processor is.

2) Memory:

ROM (Read Only Memory) is the computer’s permanent, long-term memory. It doesn't disappear when the computer is shut off. It can not be erased or changed in anyway. However, there are types of ROM called PROM that can be altered. The P stands for programmable. ROM's purpose is to store the basic input/output system (BIOS) that controls the start-up, or boot process.

RAM (Random Access Memory) is a working area where the operating system (e.g. Windows), programs and data in current use are kept, ready to be accessed by the processor. It is the best known form of computer memory. However, RAM, unlike ROM, is emptied when the computer is switched off. The more RAM you have, the quicker and more powerful your computer is.

There are two basic types of RAM: dynamic RAM (DRAM) and static RAM (SRAM).

The two types differ in the technology they use to hold data. DRAM, the more common type, needs to be refreshed thousands of times per second. SRAM does not need to be refreshed, which makes it faster, but it is also more expensive than DRAM.

Memory is measure in the following units:

- 1 byte = 8 bits (Each 1 or 0 is called a bit (i.e. binary digit). Each character (i.e. a letter, a number, a space, or a punctuation mark) has its own arrangements of 8 bits, e.g. 01000001 = “A”, 01000010 = “B”.

- 1 KB (kilobyte) = 1024 (210) bytes

- 1 MB (megabyte) = 1024 (210) KB

- 1 GB (gigabyte) = 1024 (210) MB

Cache (pronounced as "cash") is a buffer (made of a small number of very fast memory chips) between main memory and the processor. It temporarily stores recently accessed or frequently-used data. Whenever the processor needs to read data, it looks in this cache area first. If it finds the data in the cache, then the processor does not need to do more time-consuming reading of data from the main memory. Memory caching allows data to be accessed more quickly.

2.3 Storage Devices

The most common forms of storage devices in a home computer are:

- Hard disk drive

- Floppy disk


- CD-R and CD-RW


- USB flash drives

1) Hard disk and hard drive (HD)

A hard disk is a magnetic disk on which you can store computer data on a more permanent basis. The term “hard” is used to distinguish it from a soft, or floppy, disk. Hard disks hold more data and are much faster than floppy disks and optical disks. A hard drive is a mechanism that reads and writes data on a hard disk. The capacity of hard drives in newer PCs ranges from 20GB to 60GB in size since all software, from operating systems to word processors, and media files have grown tremendously in size over the last few years.

Activity 2. Please do Exercise 2-3 What is a computer? (Cloze exercise)

2) Floppy disk and floppy drive

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