Is the nipples in male is a waste body part ?
or Is their is any need of it ? If need tell what is the need .
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Why Do Men Have Nipples? And 8 Other Questions, Answered
Medically reviewed by Elaine K. Luo, M.D. — Written by Maisha Johnson on February 25, 2019
Early development
Erogenous zone
Breast cancer
Breast tissue
Other conditions to watch for
Male vs. female nipples
Why do men have nipples?
Almost everyone has nipples, regardless of whether they’re a man or a woman, transgender or cisgender, a person with large breasts or a flat chest.
But nipples seem to make a lot more sense on people with the ability to breastfeed, right?
It’s obvious the nipples we think of as “female nipples” — like the nipples cisgender women have — are meant to serve a purpose.
The answer, for the most part, is fairly simple. Men have nipples because nipples develop in the womb before embryos become distinctly male or female.