Is the number 2² x 3²¹ perfectly divisible by 6? Is it perfectly
divisible by 8?
The number you are looking for is 420*n, where n is an integer greater than 0.
7 is prime.
6 is equal to the product of 3 and 2.
5 is prime.
4 is equal to the product of 2 and 2.
3 is prime.
2 is prime.
Therefore, in order for our number to be divisble by 7,6,5,4,3 and 2 it must be divisible by the prime factors, and hence we form our number from them. That gives us the result 7*(3*2)*5*2 = 420. You can check that this number is exactly divisble by all the required numbers. You will also find that any multiple of this number is also exactly divisble by all the required numbers.
2² x 3²¹
4 * 10460353203
41841412812 / 6 = 6973568802
thus divisible by 6
41841412812 / 8 = 5230176601.5
thus isn't perfectly divisible by 8
hope this will help you ☺️☺️
pls mark my answer as brainliest