Sociology, asked by akanjele, 1 month ago

is the tendency to apply one's own cultural Values in judging the behaviour and beliefs of people raised in other cultures A Culture change B Culture shock CEthnocentrism D Sub-culture All the following are human biological bases of socialization except A Absence of instinct B Capacity for language C Shorter period of childhood dependence D. Social contact needs 2. Sociology as an academic science was born in the.. century A 17 B 18th C 19th D. 20th 3. Which of the following is odd in terms of sociology in the 18th century? It originated in A cultural history B. philosophy C. political economy D. Psychology 7. All the following show the autonomy of the teacher except: A. Experienced Teachers are observed evaluated B. Teachers decide on the method of instruction to be used for a particular lesson C. Teachers decide on the aspects of the curriculum to be highlighted and which to run through quickly D. Teachers are encouraged to be creative and resourceful. 8 4. Teachers, the world over have strong professional associations which seek and protect the interest of its members. An example, in Ghana is À GES B. GNAT C. MOFA D. NAGRAT occurs whenever new traits and trait complexes like traditions, values and customs emerge to replace the old ones in content and structure A Culture change B. Culture shock C. Ethnocentrism D. Sub-culture 5. Functions of Education include the following except A discovery B. economic C. Selection D. Social 9. According to sociologist Max Weber, certain things are universally considered to be of special value. These things include A love 102


Answered by ᏢerfectlyShine


His share were forfeited. Show 'Share Capital in the Balance Sheet of Xansa Ltd. Also, prepare ‘Notes to Accounts'.

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