English, asked by malikrana932, 9 months ago

3. Read the following text and rill in the gaps with Contextually appropriate worus.
Most of the ethnic (a) live in hilly regions of chattogram in Bangladesh. Their main (b).
farming and for this they do "Jheem Cultivation.” Different groups of them have their own mother (C).
hold an important (d)_ in our culture. Wrestling is their (e) sports.
Part:B- Unseen Marks​


Answered by kulkarninishant346



The post-colonial state and minorities: ethnocide in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh.

Science.gov (United States)

Chakma, Bhumitra


This paper argues that ethnocide in post-colonial states can be located in the interplay of three processes: (1) nation-building and development visions of the bureaucratic state; (2) the struggle for autonomy by the minorities; and (3) militarised pursuit of national security agenda by the bureaucratic state. The bureaucratic, political, economic, cultural and military penetration of the state into the territories of the indigenous communities often results in the marginalisation of those communities and destruction of their cultures and identity. It leads to demand for autonomy by the minorities. The state reacts to the struggle for autonomy by pursuing a militarised security agenda. Ethnocide in the post-colonial state occurs against the vortex of these processes. The Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh is an interesting case of ethnocide in the above context.

Ectoparasites of livestock, dogs, and wild rodents in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in southeastern Bangladesh.

Science.gov (United States)

Fuehrer, Hans-Peter; Igel, Petra; Treiber, Moritz; Baumann, Timo A; Riedl, Julia; Swoboda, Paul; Joachim, Anja; Noedl, Harald


A large variety of ectoparasites parasitizing on livestock, dogs, and rodents are documented throughout the world, of which several are proven vectors for major (including zoonotic) diseases affecting humans and/or livestock. However, there remains a significant lack of knowledge in regard to the ectoparasite fauna in remote regions of the developing world, such as southeastern Bangladesh, and an urgent need to investigate this fauna to improve diagnostic options. In the course of the present study, more than 5,300 ectoparasites were collected by flag dragging and handpicking of livestock, dogs, and rodents in the District of Bandarban (Chittagong Hill Tracts) in southeastern Bangladesh. Three tick species were identified: Haemaphysalis bispinosa (flagging, cattle, goats, and dogs), Rhipicephalus microplus (cattle, goats), and Rhipicephalus sanguineus (dogs, goats, and flagging). H. bispinosa was the dominant tick species on mammalian hosts as well as on vegetation. Furthermore, Ctenocephalides canis (dogs, goats) and Linognatus sp. (goat) were found. Overall, 73 rodents of eight different species (e.g., Mus musculus, Rattus sikkimensis, Bandicota bengalensis, and Niviventer sp.) hosted a

Answered by eriestafalla



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