Is there a link between Psychrophiles and DNA with a high GC content?
I would like to know if Psychrophiles obtained from environments ranging from 0-10 degrees contain more of GC in their genome. I have community DNA (microbial) from cold adapted regions but the conventional PCR fails to give me any amplification. Is there any co-relation? How do I find out if I have to opt for PCR protocols for GC rich templates?
Thank you.
Increased bacterial genome size (or gene number) appears to rely on increased genomic GC content; however, it is unclear whether the changes are directly related to certain environmental pressures. Certain environmental and bacteriological features are related to GC content variation, but their trends are more obvious when analyzed under the dnaE-based grouping scheme. Environmental or bacteriological factors, such as genome size, temperature, oxygen requirement, and habitat, either play subsidiary roles or rely indirectly on different mutator genes to fine-tune the GC content(Wu et al.,2012).
You can design primers for PCR based on 16s rRNA sequence of your specie using computational tools.