is there any holiday on 08.may.2018
Answered by
*Independence Day 1945 (Frigjøringsdag 1945) - Norway
*Iris Day (Day of the Brussels region - Brussels) (Irisfeest) - Belgium
*Día Nacional del Maestro (National Teacher Day) - United States
*Victory of the Allies in 1945 and end of the *Genocide (Victoire des Allies en 1945 et fin du génocide) - Belgium....
*Iris Day (Day of the Brussels region - Brussels) (Irisfeest) - Belgium
*Día Nacional del Maestro (National Teacher Day) - United States
*Victory of the Allies in 1945 and end of the *Genocide (Victoire des Allies en 1945 et fin du génocide) - Belgium....
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