Physics, asked by Juliborah, 10 months ago

is there any matter possible which has mass ,occupies space but cannot be sense?​


Answered by ashadubey230



Is there anything that has mass but do not occupy space or anything that occupy space but do not have mass?


It looks like the photon as mass-less particle that occupies space has been covered. Though I must note that determining the size of the photon is a much more subtle issue than what some answerers wrote. In fact, generally defining size at the quantum level is not at all obvious. Is it the object’s wavelength? its interaction ? In fact, I’d argue that at any moment the size of an elementary particle is zero, though its exact location is experimentally unknowable, so we represent it as a probability cloud.

In any case, I’d like to cover the other direction: has mass → does not occupy space.

According to classical particle physics, the has mass (about 9.10938356×10−31 ) but is an elementary, . That is, it has no volume at all.

Put in more technical terms, the electron has no known and it is assumed to have a and no spatial extent. In , the angular momentum and magnetic moment of an object depend upon its physical dimensions. Hence, the concept of a dimensionless electron possessing these properties contrasts to experimental observations in Penning traps which point to finite non-zero radius of the electron. A possible explanation of this paradoxical situation is explained using the .


Hey ever heard of light you could trap it in a mirrored box with reflects 100% of light . So you just made it occupy some space but the individual particles that make up light has no mass. Photons are massless particles although image that mirrored box has no mass now you put light in it and trap the light now weigh it. It will have some mass. Photons are particles so they occupy space but at the same time have no mass. I don't know about anything that has mass but does not occupy space or maybe that's just my ignorance .

hope it will be helpfull

pls mark me as brainliest

Juliborah: @Ashadubey thnks for your answer
ashadubey230: pls mark me as brainliest
Juliborah: Ok
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