is there is no life for introverts ?
there is a great life and
big opportunities for introverts
like Albert einstein and other big personalities were also introverts and today everybody knows them
Hey mate!
That's a very interesting question, right there.
Before I start, I'd like to clear one misunderstanding-
Introversion is not something to be cured, it is a personality trait.
what I mean is that introverts are not people who are shy and anti-social, but those who prefer to be left alone rather then spending their time with others. this is because they believe that their time is not worth wasting, and they'd rather they spend it in introspection and self-realisation. introverts prefer solitude and a quiet environment so that they can think better. we often assume quiet people to be introverts, but that's not always the case. infact, it is quiet difficult to determine who is truly an introvert
so if you have trouble expressing yourself in front of people, it doesn't always mean you're an introvert. it could mean you are shy. Hey,even extroverts can be shy! don't worry, as you grow older, you'll soon get acquainted with your personality and learn to overcome your shyness...
I know it's a popular myth that 'introverts' are gawky nerds and social misfits. when someone says 'introvert', you probably picture a geek (maybe with glasses and braces?) with an awkward personality and who has trouble socialising and making friends. but that's not true!
now coming to your question,
no, just because you have an introverted personality, doesn't mean that you can have no life.
infact, studies show that introverts are more intelligent and self- aware because they spend most of their time addressing their hidden talents, and finding unique and creative ways to express themselves
most of the famous scientists, poets, writers, philosophers, song-writers, social activists, etc out there are usually introverts!!
cheerio ✌️