is Ś What does the poet call the daily jihad
The Poetry of Jihad
A look at the poems written and performed by jihadi militants fighting for ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
Released on 06/01/2015
(speaking foreign language)
I'm Robin Cresswell.
I'm Bernard Hacell
[RC] This week in the New Yorker, we've written a
piece about the poetry of Jihad,
and we set that poetry in the context of
the wider culture produced by
militant Jihadis and the clip that we're
watching right now is a pretty typical specimen
of an ISIS propaganda clip,
in which we see the militants in action, and they
are talking about their conquests and the ones
to come, and the righteousness of their cause.
A lot of the videos that we see on
the nightly news of beheadings
or burnings are really made for foreign
consumption, but there also is a lot of
internal propaganda that the regime produces
for itself, and probably the most important part,
certainly the most interesting part and
most intricate part of that propaganda
is the poetry, which is really at the heart
of this culture.
[BH] In the next set of clips,
what we see are Islamic State fighters burning
their passports, and tearing their passports up
and what's interesting to note is in the background
you do have acapella chanting
of poems and anthems.
[RC] A kind of hatred for national boundaries is
a common theme in Jihadi culture, and including in its'
poetry in which the speakers often express
empathy for Muslims who are living
sometimes very far away.
There are also videos of them actually
physically erasing national boundaries
the ones created in the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916.
[BH] The deletion of the national boundaries
is illustrative of their desire to have a world
in which there's only one unitary Islamic State
called the Caliphate,
so the sense of the world being divided into
Nation States, which is a Western idea,
is one that they reject completely.
[RC] In this next clip you see
a number of fighters relaxing, probably after
a battle, and what they're chanting is
vernacular poetry, which is part of the entertainment
and socialization process that they seem to
engage in, and clips like this are very common
on the internet where you see them just relaxing
often in this kind of circle.
It's also noteworthy that the Social
context for poetry is not one of
a solitary reader reading off of a page,
but that it's really an occasion for sociability.
So in the piece we talk a great deal about
a woman named Ahlm Al-Nasr,
who has written a great deal of poetry which
has been published by media outlets associated
with the Islamic State, and has also
gained some sort of prominence within the movement,
not just as a poet, but as an ideologue
and the clip that we're watching now is
actually a recitation of one of her poems,
not done by her, but done by other militants
who are reciting it acapella.
[BH] The most famous of all Jihadi Poets is no doubt
Osama Bin Laden, who was particularly interested
in verse, spent a great deal of time actually
honing his technique,
and wrote quite a few poems himself,
certainly part of Bin Laden's charismatic
leadership had to do with his eloquence
and part of that eloquence was the ability to
write poetry, and to do so in a particular way
using classical meters, using classical forms,
it was a particular erudite kind of poetry
that he wanted to write,
and here he's actually reciting
not one of his own poems,
but one of another militant's.
In this last clip you have
a young militant, he's boasting about the
ability of the Islamic State to have captured
all these weapons from Bashar Al-Assad's regime,
but there's a style and a rhetorical ability
that seems very natural, but in fact
it's quite theatrical and very deliberate
as a way of describing himself and showing
himself off as a real fighter for Islam.
[RC] The culture itself is a deeply
fantastical culture, it offers I think,
a certain kind of romance that the poetry is
particularly good at conveying.
The poetry suggests that the new Islamic State
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