Is your business a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation?
1) A business name is the name a business is known by. It might be the business owner's own personal name, or it might be something entirely different and unique to the business.
2)A target market is a group of customers with shared demographics who have been identified as the most likely buyers of a company's product or service.Loyal Customers
Impulse Shoppers
Bargain Hunters
Wandering Consumers
Need-Based Customers these types of customers will take your pruduct or services.
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Here are three steps to follow when identifying your market:
Identify Why A Customer Would Want To Buy Your Product/Service
Segment Your Overall Market
Research Your Market
Step One — Identify Why A Customer Would Want To Buy Your Product/Service
The first step in identifying your target market is understanding what your products/services have to offer to a group of people or businesses. To do this, identify your product or service’s features and benefits. A feature is a characteristic of a product/service that automatically comes with it.
For example, if a toothpaste has a stain-removing formula, that’s a feature. The benefit to the customer, however, is whiter teeth.