Physics, asked by Fghi3536, 5 hours ago

Isang kaisipan o paliwanag sa isang mahalagang konsepto gamit ang siyentipikong pamamaraan ng pananaliksik


Answered by kmurugav1


யள்ள஭ப்஧ாட்டு எப்ப஧ாது ஧ாடப்஧டுகி஫து?

Answered by steffiaspinno

The Scientific Method

  • The scientific method has characterised the evolution of science as an empirical approach of gathering knowledge with noteworthy practitioners in prior generations from at least the 17th century.
  • It necessitates rigorous observation and a severe scepticism of what is observed, because to the possibility that cognitive assumptions may influence how the observation is understood.
  • It comprises inductively creating hypotheses based on such observations, as well as experimental and measurement-based hypotheses testing, and hypotheses refinement (or elimination) based on experimental findings.
  • These are scientific method principles, not a set of procedures that all scientific endeavours must follow.
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