Iselial [8 marks 5. Do you think there is racial/caste related discrimination in our country nepal? While a file.minute speech.Cemarks) Thank you chairpesan por grung me golden opportunity matedo you think there is caste related discrimination in our country Nepal write a 5 minute speech
the major issues and problems facing Dalits in the following specific points.
• To root out the deeply rooted caste discrimination and feeling of superiority existing in the mind of the so called “high” caste or dominant community in Nepal, it is imperative to ensure the representation of Dalits in all governance mechanisms.
• To ensure the pluralistic and qualitative representation of Dalit in all areas of public vis-a-vis private services, we urge the State to establish reservations and affirmative action through legislation.
• The abuses that come with caste-based discrimination will persist until the use of torture is properly outlawed in Nepal. To this end, the existing legislation on torture must be amended recognizing torture as a crime in the light of the ratified Convention against Torture
• Existing institutions to prevent caste-based discrimination must be reformed and strengthened and new ones developed. Particularly, the NDC must be made permanent, independent, and competent and be given adequate resources to carry out its tasks. Its role should also be broadened and deepened under new or expanded legislation. Other institutions, notably the NHRC and NWC, must be given greater resources and freedom to conduct independent enquiries into violations, with a view to prosecution of perpetrators arising from their findings.
• Measures should be implemented to ensure that the democratization processes are not only be bringing about representative democracy but also supporting local and participatory democratization with empowerment and participation of the Dalits.
• The conflict will remain unresolved without a sustained commitment to ending caste-based abuses. So, we urge government to address the problems facing by dalit community.
• When determining the accreditation status of the NHRC, its structure must be reviewed with a view to ensuring Dalits’ participation.
• The CERD Committee should undertake determined follow-up to ensure that Nepal complies with its obligations and implements the general recommendation under ICERD and CERD recommendations to end discrimination against Dalits.
• Other recommendations that should be taken into account are: to enact comprehensive legislation prohibiting all forms of discrimination against Dalits, to consult with local Dalit groups in the process of formulating further positive steps, to end social and economic discrimination against them, and to investigate all cases of violence directed against them, and prosecute the individuals responsible.
• We urge all UN agencies including OHCHR, Nepal to take the Dalit issue seriously and introduce affirmative actions in its appointment polices.
Thank you Mr. Chairman and members of the Working Group on Minorities.