Science, asked by anilkumarsah41, 1 year ago

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How do leguminous plants help in nitrogen fixation?
municable diseases of human beings
bing Cobos Hibeties:
Name any four medicinal uses of microorganisme
4. What is nitrogen fixation? How do leguminous
5. What are the two harmful effects of microorganisms
G. What are communicable diseases? Name any two com
animals, and plants
least three things that help us detect that food is unfit for consumption
& Name the main conditions required for the growth of microorganisms
O. Long answer questions
. What is a specimen? How does a cover slip help in malang a
HOW does a coverslip help in making a slide? Write the basic steps for using
2 Describe some commercial uses of microorganisms in details
3. How can we prepare cure at home?
4. Describe some medicinal uses of microorganisms with examples
5. Describe how nitrogen gets fixed in nature.
6. Describe how pathogens are transmitted from one person to another.
de or transmission, causative pathogen, and preventive measures of the following
(a) Malaria
(b) Cholera
(c) Typhoid
(d) Chickenpox
(e) Anthrax
(0) Foot and mouth disease
() Poliomyelitis
(h) Tuberculosis
(i) Ringworm
& What is food preservation? Describe in detail any four common methods of food preservation.
and complete the concept map given below.
what is secularism what is secularism ​


Answered by indhu2233


in leguminous plants ,the plants contain some bacteria named rhizobium in their rootnodules which helps to fix nitrogen to the plant

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