English, asked by jljackson2004, 7 months ago

Issues of fairness, equality, and justice are important in the history and cultural values of the United States. What is one current issue that you are passionate about? Provide two or three arguments that support your position and make you passionate about the issue you have chosen.

Help I dont know what to put as an answer.


Answered by tanukasoni


I am passionate about the justice.

There are infinite arguments that I can post up:-

1. U.S government takes special measures to cope up with the issues they face.

2. (sorry for comparing their judicial system with India) In india, if a victim seeks Justice in india basic need for them is to fill up the pockets of police constables, Secondly, many decades are taken by our system to give justice but this doesn't goes with U. S, this is one of the biggest reason m passionate about the justice given by U. S gov.

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