it gives your hair grow and skin a — shine
Carrots, apricots, pumpkin and tomatoes are rich in beta-carotene which helps to protect your skin from harmful UV rays (although never skip sunscreen), prevents wrinkles and improves your health from within, as well as being vital for hair and skin beauty.
spinach -
Not only does spinach give you strength, but it’s also a major anti-ager. According to celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder, author of The Beauty Detox Foods, it’s rich in beta carotene, which converts into the powerful anti-aging vitamin A. This nutrient is crucial for allowing proper moisture retention to the epidermis, helping to prevent wrinkles and remove dead skin. For premium absorption, pair spinach with a food that’s high in vitamin C.
tomatoes -
Tomatoes are skincare superheroes, protecting you from sun damage thanks to their high antioxidant content. A recent study presented at The Royal Society of Medicine in London found that women who were given five tablespoons of standard tomato paste with 10 grams of olive oil every day for 12 weeks showed significant improvement in their skin’s ability to protect itself against UV damage.
pumpkin seeds -
These little wonders are packed with zinc, as well as vitamins A and K and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which are essential to building a healthy hair shaft. They’re also rich in fatty acids and vitamin C, which are important for producing sebum ‘ your skin’s natural oil ‘ to protect and repair skin.