Computer Science, asked by dychyby, 7 months ago

. It has been suggested in this chapter that consistency could be considered a major category of interactive principles, on the same level as learnability, flexibility and robustness. If this had been the case, which principles discussed in this chapter would appear in support of consistency?


Answered by kanumurimaryslessor


consistency is designed based on principles which we matter. principles like reliability and fraternity, etc .

Answered by nancychaterjeestar29


Here we all are going to discuss about cohesion, tension and pressure. Flu moments of water upwards through a narrow tubes like Silom happens because of transporation system. Surface tension is a downward pull that exist on water molecule at an air water interface, which is located in lower side off stomach. So this inter fee is responsible for transpiration. This is communicated down to the rules off the cohesion of water molecules. Coalition is molecular attraction among same sort off Mulligan, such as the hydrogen bonding that occurs among molecule in water because of water molecule CO2. Here, the tension at the surface off the Tiny Cube is transmitted downwards through the water column, and water molecule at the surface are pulled down and below them are then again boarded up. Now let's talk about pressure. Flu pressure floor hypothesis states that events at source tissue and sink tissue create a steep, but I sure pro 10. She'll graduate and influence like questions tension to the water transport. The pressure flow hypothesis is is based on movement along give water potential graduation created by changing changes in pressure potential. The flu um, sap near the source has a high concentration of sucrose high concentration off so crews, a pressure grading that exists between source and sing sails drives the differences in sucrose concentration and water flows into or out the zyl.


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