English, asked by ElvaShiningBrow, 10 months ago

It has never been proven that Hogwarts does not exist. (Mind blown!)

Where do you think are the wizarding school of India and Ministry of Magic of India located?

I would throttle that owl... it is taking sooo much time to bring my letter!


Answered by bobby982

I know you are being sarcastic but if you aren't, then mate.. i dont think theres any hope left.

ElvaShiningBrow: Right now, I need answers
bobby982: Okay, what type of answers do you need?
ElvaShiningBrow: Is whatever happened in Cursed Child true?
bobby982: obviously No
ElvaShiningBrow: Thank Merlin.
ElvaShiningBrow: Is Harry immortal now?
bobby982: No.
bobby982: Trust me you dont wanna be immortal
ElvaShiningBrow: Yup
tanishq853: hii
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