It is a speed of processing is measured in thousands of seconds.
Measuring Processing Speed
The calculation speed of the human brain can be compared with the processor speed of a computer, measured in bits per second.
10 bits per second means essentially that the computer or person can make 10 basic binary decisions every second, for example toggling every 0 and 1 in a 10-digit binary number like 0111010011 to the other number:
01110 10011
10001 01100
Unlike a computer, the processing power of the human brain is very difficult to calculate. However, psychologists have done some clever experiments to determine how fast humans can think. Several decades ago, the Hick-Hyman Law was established:
The time taken to perform a single operation is proportional to the logarithm of the number of choices available.
Using this, Psychologists recently found an estimate of around 60 bits per second for the maximum processing speed of the human brain. Others have established that everyone’s brain has a similar processing speed, although those with a higher IQ are slightly faster (E. Roth (1964)).
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