It is commonly believed that nature has enough for man’s need, but not enough for
man’s greed. Prepare a speech to be delivered in the school assembly highlighting
the role of students in preservation and conservation of environment. Use the
following hints.(Word limit:120-150 words)
Children should contribute towards preservation and conservation of
Reduce waste.
Avoid wastage of paper.
Conserve existing resources.
Turn electrical switches when not in use.
Use non-toxic cleaners
Reduce the use of petroleum based products.
Use biodegradable products.
Spread awareness about environment issues.
We human beings never care or value about those things that value us. We are so selfish think about ourselves. Nature our environment in which we live that creates life on earth, but we people doesn’t understand its importance.
Yeah! Surely Nature can satisfy people’s need but we humans are not much needier now we becoming greedy i.e. we want everything in our lives by resorting to any means. It is Nature that makes life possible on Earth. Nature is full of embellishment and happiness whenever my life is full of anxiety and tensions I relax myself in the lap of Nature.
Nature is capable of satisfying our needs but not our greed so many hydroelectric power plant have been started by making the use of natural resources and even coal mines have been founded when nature is satisfying our needs then why we people don’t care about its preservation.
Banners on the roads:-
We humans only know how to create policies but we never implement in our life just to create awareness in our life through these posters is enough? No, we all have to take a stand for the preservation of our nature, just chanting slogans about ecofriendly environment doesn’t make any sense until or unless we all got united to preserve our environment.
Industrial Revolution is not about to destroy Natural Resources it transforms our lives instead of hand making products we start using machines. Today, we all our living in the era of Digitalization and stepping ahead towards destruction. We all our equally responsible for destruction because we cannot preserve our natural resources.
An initiative taken by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi ‘Swacch Abhiyaan’ yeah surely it was passed from high level of authority but no authority was set up to see whether it is implemented at individual level.
I am not denying this it is quite difficult to see its execution at individual level but efforts can be made to keep a check on its execution at State level.
Preservation of Nature is in our hands it depends on us we can’t blame others here we are the culprits we have to make efforts if we want to live in a clean and healthy surroundings and preserve nature for our coming generation.
“I am really jealous of Motherland why people use her not me”?