Accountancy, asked by rasdeepsingh09, 5 months ago

It is given that net assets available for equity and preference shares amount to Rs.

1,87,000. The paid-up capitals are—10,000 equity shares of Rs. 4 each and 5,000

preference shares of Rs. 10 each. Therefore, value of a preference share will be—​


Answered by bharatpatadia74


Problem 14: The issued share capital ofVinayaka Ltd. was Rs. 10,00,000

consisting of 10,000 equity shares of Rs.100 each. The net profits of the

last 5 years were:

Re. 1,00,000; Rs.80,000; Rs. 1,20,000, Rs.1,60,000 and Rs.1,40,000.

Out of the profit, 20% was transferred to reserve. Fair return on capital employed is 12%.

Compute the value of the equity share by yield method.


Step1: Calculation of expected profit/ Average profit

Total profit of 5 years=


Average profit = 6,00,000/5 Years= Rs.1,20,000

Step 2:Calculation of profit available for equity dividend Rs.

Expected Profit/ Average Profit

Transfer to general reserve:20% of 1,20,000



Profit available for equity dividend 96,000

Step 3: Calculation of expected rate of return

Profit available for equity dividend

Expected rate of return = x Rs.100

Paid up equity capital

96000 x 100 = 9.6%


Step 4: Calculation of value of equity share

Expected rate of return

Yield value per share =

Normal rate of return

xPaid up value

Yield value per share 9.60 100 Rs.80D


The expected return is lower than the normal return. So, the value of the

share is lower than the paid up value.

Problem 15: Yellow Ltd. has 10,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each, Rs.8

paid and 1,00,000 6% preference shares of Rs.10 each, fully paid. The

company transters 20% of the profit to general reserve every year Ihe

expected profit (based on past year's performance) before tax is Rs.2,0000YIELD METHOD

Problem 13: Kala holds 5,000 shares in Ginger Ltd. The paid un.

. It is ascertained th

p apital

of the conmpany

is 30,000 equity shares of Re.1 each.

a. normal net profit of such a company

is Rs.5,000 and

on by the

b. the normal return for the type of business carried on h a

Kala requests you to value her shares based on the above figures.

(B.C.S, M.Com., Madras)

company is 8%.


Step 1: Calculation of expected rate of return

Profit available for equity dividend

x Rs.100 Expected rate of return =

Paid up equity capital

5,000100 16.67%


Step 2: Calculation of value of equity share

Yield value per share =

Expected rate of return

x Paid up value

Normal rate of return

16.67% Yield value per share: x 1= Rs.2.08


No. of shares held by Kala = 5,000

Value of shares held by Kala = Rs.2.08 X 5000 = Rs.10,400D

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