English, asked by teesha02, 2 months ago

"It is his karam,his destiny,"says Mukesh's grandmother,who has watched her own
husband go blind with the dust from polishing the glass of bangles."can agod-given lineage
ever be broken?"she implies. Born in the caste ofbangle-makers, they have seen nothing
but bangles'.
1.What is the prevalent belief that has prevented them from emancipating themselves?
2.Identify and explain one hazard of working in the bangle-making industry that has been
mentioned in the extract.
3.Why can't a "god-given line age "be broken?
4.What is their Caste? What have they done all their lives?

answer asap please!


Answered by ripunjaypandey55


1. "It is his karam,his destiny."

2. Loosing eyesight &becoming blind.

3. As they have not seen any other things than bangels.

4.They are born in bangle makers caste and they dont have any other option to do.

Answered by pragyan07sl


1. "Bangle-making is his karma, his destiny"

2. "Losing eyesight by dust infection and becoming blind."

3. A "god-given line age" can't be broken because they haven't seen anything else except bangles.

4. Born in the bangle makers caste, making and polishing bangles is what all they have done and nothing except that.


  • The extract has been taken from Anees Jung's "The Lost Spring" where she has described the poor terrible conditions of child labour.
  • Mukesh is one victim of child labour who has dreams of becoming a motor mechanic.

1. But unfortunately, his family of bangle makers has accepted bangle-making as their destiny which is the prevalent belief that has prevented them from emancipating themselves.

2. They get exposed to many health hazards such as losing their eyesight by dust infection and becoming blind while working in the appealing dark, dull and dingy cells in the bangle-making industry.

3. As Mukesh's family haven't seen anything else except bangles, they can't think of going against a "god-given line age" i.e. bangle-making.

4. Born in the bangle makers caste, making and polishing bangles under the dark & dull light is what all they have done and nothing except that.


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