it is illegal to employ children in the bangle industry. even then many children are employed in this industry in firozabad. how?
☞ ̄ᴥ ̄☞Answer
it is illegal to employ children in any industry in India. It is a punishable offence. But it is seen that this law is not followed or rarely followed. The children work for very less wages. They are very submissive and agile. They give almost the same or even more production as compared to adult workers. Therefore most of the factory owners prefer to employ children in their factories.
They are often able to deceive law. The reason is very clear. The vicious circle follows. There are policemen, middlemen, keepers of law, bureaucrats and also politicians. They all are mixed up to keep tender souls in the quagmire of hard labour. They kill all the initiative and zeal of the children. They become so. discouraged that they quietly accept all this a part of their destiny.
it is illegal to employ children in a bangle factory,even when many children are employed in this industry in Firozabad because
it is illegal to employ children in a bangle factory,even when many children are employed in this industry in Firozabad because1) These children belong to those caste which are making bangles since generation and it is a kind of ritual that all the children born under the caste half to can you with the tradition. Thus at a very young age these children join the bangle making factory
it is illegal to employ children in a bangle factory,even when many children are employed in this industry in Firozabad because1) These children belong to those caste which are making bangles since generation and it is a kind of ritual that all the children born under the caste half to can you with the tradition. Thus at a very young age these children join the bangle making factory2) POVERTY is another reason why the children are forced to work at bangle factory under the hot fumes which dangerous there eyes
it is illegal to employ children in a bangle factory,even when many children are employed in this industry in Firozabad because1) These children belong to those caste which are making bangles since generation and it is a kind of ritual that all the children born under the caste half to can you with the tradition. Thus at a very young age these children join the bangle making factory2) POVERTY is another reason why the children are forced to work at bangle factory under the hot fumes which dangerous there eyes3) the corruption and greed of officials and middleman has lead the children of Firozabad to work in bangle making company. there is no proper enforcement of law and order in the pool streets of Firozbad