it is important to say 'no drugs '. discuss.
They change the way your brain works. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. If you already have a mental health issue, drugs can worsen your condition. The best way to deal with stress is to confront it without using drugs.
➽ Adolescents can easily be addicted to drugs, alcohol, and Tambacoo because of Stress and Sometimes due to adventure sprit. A Positive adolescents must Say ''No" to Drugs, alcohol, tobacco because these things cause Many physical and mental disease.
⟹ Smoking of tobacco in the form of Cigarettes increase the risk if lung cancer and heart attack.
⟹ The Harmful drugs like cocaine, Hiroin and opium damage the nervous system and other organs of the body.
⟹ Tobacco chewing (In the form of Paan, Pan, masala) leads of Oral Cancer.
⟹ Consumption of Alcohol causes serious damage to the nervous system. It also damage Stomach, Liver and Kidneys.