Physics, asked by Arna146, 6 hours ago

It is known that that solids are denser than liquids , which are denser than gases . Gases in turn are denser than plasma . So , how doe sthe Sun still account for 99.9% ( yeah germ cleaner value ) of the entire mass of the Solar System ?​


Answered by ArpitMishra506

Answer :-

The pic shows the comparison between the size of Sun, Jupiter and Earth.

As we can see, very little mass of the solar system is solid (not all planets in the solar system are solid) and though Sun is plasma it still has great mass due to it's size.






Answered by JohnRobinson

I Think It Will Not Help You...

▪A cartoon of the four states of matter as the temperature increases: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.

▪Earth's magnetosphere as it would look if we had "magnetic field glasses". The shape is created by the interaction of the solar wind with Earth's intrinsic magnetic field

▪The Sun emits both particles and light. It takes light eight minutes to reach Earth but most of the time the particles take about three days to make the journey from the Sun to Earth.

▪Aurorae are caused by charged particles from inside the magnetosphere and then speed up to very high speeds as they barrel down along magnetic field-lines into the upper atmosphere. As they collide with the gas, they excite the atoms/molecules, which emit light when they relax from the excited state


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