it is my decision;" said the father(report
the statement)
The father told that it was his decision.
Hope it will help you............
Although this study provides insight about how
parents perceive their role in career development, bear
in mind that there was no random sampling of partici-
pants and all responses were voluntary. Parents may
have attempted to provide answers that they believed
were desirable to the career office staff—those who
distributed the survey. In addition, only parents of
incoming college freshman were questioned. It is
feasible that at different class years, parents would
answer differently as they and the students become
more career savvy. The sample may only be represen-
tative of incoming freshmen of a large public university.
Smaller institutions, or even other institutions with the
same enrollment, may attract a different type of student
and family; therefore, the results may not be applicable
to other institutions.
Families, parents and guardians in particular, play a
significant role in the occupational aspirations and
career goal development of their children. Without
parental approval or support, students and young adults
are often reluctant to pursue—or even explore—diverse
career possibilities. Although parents acknowledge
their role and attempt to support the career develop-
ment of their children, parental messages contain an
underlying message of “don’t make the same mistakes
that I did.” These interactions may influence adoles-
cents and young adults to select specific collegiate
majors or pursue particular occupations. Numerous
studies (Knowles, 1998; Marjoribanks, 1997; Mau and
Bikos, 2000; Smith, 1991; Wilson and Wilson, 1992)
have found that college students and young adults cite
parents as an important influence on their choice of
career. Yet parents may be unaware of the influence
they have on the career development and vocational
choice of their children. University career services of
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-
Chapel Hill) decided to survey parents of incoming
freshmen in order to learn more about parents’ beliefs
regarding their college-age children’s career choice and
the influences on that choic