English, asked by happynow, 11 months ago

It is natural for teenagers to have unrealistic dreams. What would you say are the benefits and disadvantages of such fantasising? (including advantages and disadvantages)
LESSON: Going Places


Answered by Anonymous


Teenage is the phase of life which constitutes of major changes in the life of an individual. During this phase, a person learns many things, sets his career goals, and deals with peer pressure and the pressure of adults' expectations. Hence, it is natural for teenagers to fantasise and to have unrealistic dreams.

  • Advantages: Fantasising, based on realistic goals or the world around, provides a means to reach higher ambitions and dreams. Aspiring for higher career goals and working hard may ensure successful career prospects. Thus, it instills confidence and a spirit to achieve one's desire. In difficult situations of life, it helps instill positivity and optimism. It is a talent in those known as creative.

  • Disadvantages: Fantasising builds a gap between fantasy and reality. The realisation of the disparity between one's goals and capabilities may be painful. Non achievement may also lead to disappointment, depression or suicidal tendencies. Moreover, it is a sheer wastage of time for many.

#Capricorn Answers

Answered by ʙʀᴀɪɴʟʏᴡɪᴛᴄh




present, he is mentally in absentia and loses sight and sound of everything around him. An example could be said of some students who find it difficult to grasp and retain concepts because they arc daydreamers. On the other hand, Mark Twain too was a daydreamer. Perhaps, the source of daydreaming may be the need to escape from unpleasant or stressful situations. A daydreamer would have sensitivity, depth and intelligence and hence should be given space and nurtured. But, it could also shut one out from reality. This is because the daydreamer, lost in his thoughts, loses his bearings entirely and is oblivious to things around him. If a daydreamer happens to be on the road, this state of mind can prove to be very dangerous or even fatal. (Daydreaming can be very distracting. It affects one's day to day working, and the person gets more and more absent-minded. After a point, he may start losing physical and social contact with his surroundings and become increasingly withdrawn. Daydreaming has its advantages too. Daydreaming fosters a child's imagination, and enhances creativity. So if the extent of daydreaming is controlled, everything is fine. But, if one is a habitual daydreamer and tends to wander off a bit too often for comfort, it's time one did something about it.

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