it is not a component of nurturing care?
The core elements of nurturing care build on what we have known for years about the nature of child development: that physical, social, emotional and cognitive development are integrated and indivisible, one domain of development influencing the other.
Culture would not be a contributor to the nature side of the nature-nurture debate.
- Cerebral structure, Genes, Neurotransmitters, Hormones, and Physiology are all biologically and genetically determined, or in other words, decided by nature, and we do not have control over them.
- On the other hand, we have control over the kind of culture our children or we grow up in and how that culture influences them. Thus, nurture has a bigger role to play here.
- Hence, the correct answer is Culture.
Nurturing and caring for the planet earth to gift it to the future generations
Earth is a unique planet. The first and foremost reason is it is the only known planet that is home to myriads of life forms. No other planet in the solar system or anywhere else in the space supports animal or plant life like the earth.
Earth is quite similar to other planets the way it has evolved out of the nothingness over eons; but what makes it different from them is the complex life forms and its hospitable atmosphere and environment. Everything on earth supports life. Land, air, water, flora, fauna, minerals, etc. all support life.
However, man’s recklessness, greed and indifference to the needs of the planet, have literally made its condition exactly like a patient needing immediate treatment. The illness of pollution has reached its final stage. If the intensive care treatment is not given to it, it may collapse. The life generators --- trees have been mercilessly felled. 18.7 million hectares of forests are cut every year. In developing countries this rate is more.
The canker of industrialization has converted every town and city into hell. The sylvan beauty, which was so ubiquitous, has been replaced by factories and mills. The skyline that once was dominated by tall pines is an ugly sight of stacks spewing toxic fumes! The problems of Global warming, melting glaciers, decreasing forest covers, dwindling species of plants and animals, depleting ozone layer, etc. loom large on the future of mankind.
If this beautiful planet has to be handed to coming generations fit and worthy to live on, we must nurture and care for it. It can be done by being responsible stewards of it. Our beautiful planet can be preserved by people’s mass participation in saving its environment. Mass forestation drive, and stopping the use of fossil fuels altogether can solve this problem.
The government must create forest belt near every city or town. Toxic emissions of industries must be strictly regularized. Installation of toxic smoke and effluents treatment plants must be mandatory at every industrial unit. With these measures we can nurture planet for future generations.
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