“It is possible that a species may occupy more than one trophic level in the same ecosystem at the same time.” Explain with the help of one example.
Yes, it is possible that a specious may occupy more than one tropical level in same ecosystem at the same time. Omnivores are the organisms that occupy more than one tropical level because they eat plants as well as animals. They at the same time belong to two tropical level i.e herbivores and carnivores.
The best example of omnivores or organisms that belong to more than one tropical level is human being i.e man itself.
The answer to this question yes it is quite possible.
The reason behind this is the trophic level of all the species actually represents all of the important functional roles that are played by an organism during the flow of energy.
This is actually determined through the food that is taken by them. Let's take the instance of a bird say sparrow who is an omniviorous bird.
If it eats seeds and fruits it will occupy the primary or the first trophic level, however if it eats worms it will occupy the secondary level.