it is possible to reduce the use of electricity by using more efficient appliances introduction
I think...No
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yes Possible? Maybe, but there is very little difference between the amount of energy required to run common electric kitchen appliances. If it is a heating appliance, like a stove or toaster, it takes the same amount of btuh’s or kwh’s to cook the food or toast the bread regardless of the appliance. Only very slight differences in efficiency are possible, such as more insulation in an oven or even the toaster, because they are already 100 efficient on the conversion of electricity to heat.
If you consider air conditioners to be appliances, then, yes there can be major differences between competing types. A type of air conditioner that is hands down the best at efficiency is the heat pump, because it cheats on it’s heating cycle and steals heat from the cold outside, which always does contain some heat. The result is an “appliance” that on its heating cycle is about 4 times as efficient as plain resistance heat. This is the exception, not the rule. Most appliances use about the same amount of electricity for the same job. Even those that don’t, with the exception of cooking and air conditioning, don’t use that much energy anyway.