It is raining here [change into present perfect)
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Required Answer :
- It has been raining here.
Structure :
- has/have +Past Participle form of the verb
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Where to Use Present Perfect Tense
1. Present Perfect Tense is used to express an action that has been recently completed.
For example:
(a) He has just come. (He came a little while ago.)
(b) We have just received his message. (We received it only a short while ago.)
- The word just is often used with this Tense to suggest that the action was completed only a little while ago.
2. This Tense expresses an action which was completed in the past but whose effect can be felt at the time of speaking.
For example:
(a) I have done my homework. (So I have no more homework to do now.)
(b) I have watched this film. (So I need not watch it again.)
- In addition to just words like ever, never, yet, already, often, lately and expressions like this morning, this evening, this afternoon, this week may be used with this Tense.
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