English, asked by 25abhinath, 2 days ago

it is urgent please help me....​



Answered by varunesh5416


You have to give your own name for person 1 and person 2


Person 1: Hey there person 2! How are you doing ?

Person 2: Yeah I am doing good. Well what about your sail. Was it good?

Person 1: Yeah that was great, I sailed through many places. What's your's.Tell me about your sail was It good .

Person2 : Iam very sad about my sail.

Person 1: Why what's the problem ? Is there something wrong?

Person 2: Yes . The places I went were full of war and very cruel things happened there. I am really worried about seeing that .

Person1 : Yes. This is a rough world . Everything is going bad. But the thing is we have to be true in the world or else the world will get us down. Just thing that as a bad dream and get to sleep . It is almost dawn.

Person 2: Ok

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