It is very difficult to swim _______ current (preposition)
Answer - 'against'
It is very difficult to swim __against_____ current
Please mark brainliest
It is very difficult to swim against current .
We used against (preposition ) in the sentence.
preposition means -
1) It is a group of words .
2) It is used before pronouns , noun or noun phrase.
3) It is used to show the place , location , direction , time , relationship , etc.
4) there are total 150 prepositions in the English .
5) All prepositions are important. all have their uses in different places and all have equal importance.
6) there are so many which are usually we used but some we used very less.
Importance of preposition -
1) It mark as special relationship between locations , objects , etc.
2) sometimes preposition usually known as prepositional phrase.
some preposition are-
About Above. Across. After Ago
At Below By Down. During
For. From In Into Off
On Over Past Since Through
To Under Until Up With
FINAL ANSWER - It is very difficult to swim against current .