It is winter ouside and temperature is 15℃. I have an A.C. , can I set my AC to 30℃ to feel warmth?
Nah, Your AC wont operate under such conditions, this is because your thermostat's temperature is more than ambient air's temperature. Thus even if you open the AC, your unit wont operate. The only thing you will see running is the servo fan aiming to gust the ambient air to regulate the same ambient temperature.
Moreover, you were not right in the clause in which you mentioned that By doing so will violate the 2nd law, this is not the case, an air conditioner is designed to work on such principle because the work done on the AC will result in increase in internal energy and thus more heat content so neither is this in violation of 2nd law of thermodynamics.
An AC only operates when the thermostat's temperature is lower than ambient air temperature, the case in which the heat is transferred from ambient air to the refrigerant thus vaporizing it. However when an actuating valve is installed with in your unit, the inlet will be now work as a condenser, and as a result you will get heating effect from your AC.