English, asked by abhijeetsrivastav91, 8 months ago

It might be pirates!
Wake up! Wake up!" Sasongko pleaded. "There are pirates on our ship. All crew go to the bridge!"
Then Mohamed heard the captain cry out in pain
Mohamed tingled with fear, but the Malaysian was responsible for the crew. A devout Muslim.
sicknamed 'Imam' because he was a natural leader, he had gone to sea at age 20 to support his parents
who were poor farmers. He took his responsibilities seriously,
Going from cabin to cabin, he roused six men and led them to the control room.
-We have no weapons," he said. "Whatever the pirates want, give it to them!" He said, and instructed
the sailors to go to the bridge.
As the first sailor crossed the gangway and stepped into the bridge, a masked man grabbed him around
the chest and thrust a parang to his throat. Panic-stricken, the other hands fled.
Mohamed froze. The pirate was big and powerful. He could only see the man's eyes, and they were flat
and merciless. The sailor is as good as dead. Mohamed thought. He ran for his life
ine for shipniates.
The insistent buzz of the intercom on his cabin wall woke Mohamed Hamid, the ship's bosun.
There's a speedboat next to us!" a seaman told him
Mohamed called the bridge: nobody answered. Had pirates seized it? The 28-year-old Malaysian
rulled on his orange overalls and edged into the corridor to investigate. As he mounted the stairs to the
upper deck he heard the captain's voice on the loudspeaker​


Answered by kumarsrinivas316

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